How to Fix A Slice

Last Updated on February 14, 2023

Amateur golfers often seek help when they need to know how to fix a slice in golf. This problem remains commonplace today, but it shouldn’t.

Correcting a golf slice involves nothing more than knowing what to do, and this problem is incredibly easy to fix.

When a player corrects their slice, they immediately see a significant improvement in their game – which means lower scores.

What does an individual need to do to eliminate this terrible shot from their golf game once and for all?

With this information and the help of practice tips, a person can correct their golf swing in little time.

What is a Slice?

Man watching his golf shot while standing in his follow through

To fix a slice, the player must first understand what causes it and how to diagnose the problem. Furthermore, they must recognize the differences between a slice and a fade as well as slicing with an iron and slicing with a driver.

A slice serves as an error in golf. The ball curves significantly to the right. You never want to intentionally make this shot, as you have no control over it. The flight of the ball goes off course and adds strokes to your game.

The slice comes from the sidespin put on the ball. When the club face remains open relative to the golf club’s travel path at the time of impact, this sidespin occurs.

In addition, the glancing blow to the ball results in problems with the distance the ball travels as well as the direction.

Slice vs fade

Most golfers find they have a curve in their ball flight. No matter how hard they try to hit a ball straight down the center of the fairway, they cannot do so. However, this curve is normal and isn’t necessarily bad.

You want a slight curve to the right or left, known as a draw or fade. Remember, we said slight curve.

What is a Draw?

A draw shot is one in which the golf ball curves to the left for a right handed golfer and to the right for a left-handed player. An experienced player uses this type of controlled shot when they wish to navigate a course better.

In this article, we explain from the perspective of a right-handed golfer. Left-handed players should do the same things in the opposite direction.

What is a Fade?

In contrast to a draw, a fade shot curves slightly to the right. As with the draw shot, the fade shot gives you more control over the flight of the ball. A fade or draw shot is not an error, as the flight of the ball may curve, but the ball lands on the target.

What causes a slice?

Two things affect the path of a golf ball in flight: the golf club face orientation at the time of impact and the angle of the swing path. You may need to adjust one or both elements of their golf swing to fix a slice.

An open club face refers to one that is angled to the target’s right at impact, while a closed club face angles to the target’s left. A square club face aims directly at the target upon impact.

What is Swing Path?

We refer to the path of the club head during a swing as the swing path, just as the name suggests. Again, the swing path orients in one of three directions.

When a good golfer says their swing path goes in to out, they mean it travels to the right of the target. If they say it goes out to in, it travels to the target’s left.

Anytime they say it goes straight down the line, they are referring to the swing path traveling straight toward the target.

A right-handed player who slices the golf ball routinely is probably swinging to the left with an open clubface.

By fixing these issues, they find they no longer slice the ball.

Slicing with a driver

Many people become frustrated because they find they only slice the ball when using a driver. When they use their irons, the problem disappears. Several factors help to explain why many golfers may have this issue.

The size of the driver impacts the flight of the ball. A driver serves as a golfer’s longest club and is used to generate additional speed. As a result, many people struggle to control it as well as they do their irons.

Sometimes they overswing or swing too hard. Furthermore, they frequently fail to alter their setup while at the tee when using this club.

Driver Swing Path

You always need to contact the ball in the front of their swing plane when using the driver. The ball sits on a tee for this reason. What golfers fail to consider is hitting the ball on the up swing alters the swing path’s direction.

While the golf swing moves in the shape of a circle, the circle isn’t straight up and down. It leans in toward the body slightly. How does this affect the flight of the ball?

The swing path’s direction alters after the club reaches its low point. When the club head moves to the right on the downward path, it comes back up towards the left. As you hit down on an iron shot, you make contact with the ball before the low point. This leads to the swing path working to the right.

If you use the same mechanics with your driver, you catch the ball as it is going up. As a result, the swing path moves to the target’s left.

However, before changing your swing, you must make certain they are slicing the ball.

Fix a slice: Diagnosing the Golf Slice

You might think you are slicing the ball when it is a shank or a fade. The problem lies in defining the flight of the ball. A good golfer must know what they are dealing with before they can make corrections.

How can you determine if you are slicing the ball? What do you need to look for?

Does my Golf Ball Slice or Fade?

A fade and a slice curve to the right. You intentionally complete a fade but want to avoid the slice. Knowing the difference between the two isn’t as difficult as many people imagine.

Fade vs Slice

If an experienced golfer intends to hit a fade and the ball goes in the desired direction, they probably didn’t slice it. However, when the ball goes off course, it’s a slice.

Many people define a golf slice as a severe fade because the ball travels similarly with both golf shots. So how can an individual distinguish between the two?


With a fade, the ball typically curves five to seven yards from the target line. When a golfer slices the ball, it travels roughly 15 yards or more to the right of this line. Often violently. Experienced golfers often equate a slice with the peeling of a banana.

If the ball takes a path that looks like a peeling banana, it’s a slice.

Another way to determine whether you are slicing or fading the ball involves the adjustments you make. When you aim a drive toward the left rough to ensure your ball remains on the fairway, you slice the ball.

If you aim for the fairway’s left center, you are most likely hitting a fade.

The Golf Club’s Role in Slicing the Ball

It’s said that a poor craftsman blames his tools. However, the club serves as a problem for some golfers. When the slice happens consistently with a particular driver or iron, It may not be your driver or not your irons.

You may need to schedule a golf fitting. A club that isn’t appropriate for your golf swing may lead to the lie angle of the clubface being off.

What is the lie angle?

The lie angle refers to the angle between the heel and toe when the golfer is in the standard playing position. If this angle is off in any way, the club face doesn’t make straight contact with the ball.

Rather, this contact happens at a tilt, resulting in a slice.

How to fix a slice: The Setup

Golfers often adjust their setup when they wish to stop slicing the ball. They purposely or subconsciously aim to the left to account for the curve of the ball to the right. This is not how to fix a slice.

If this is the problem, you will have a high trail arm and shoulder along with an open stance. This stance results in the lead foot shifting back, which only makes the slice worse.

While the ball moves to the right, it does so because the swing path veers to the left.

Club Face Control

The club face remains critical to fix a golf slice. For this reason, you should focus on controlling the face before fixing your swing path. Doing so will provide you with results in a shorter period.

How can you improve their control of the clubface?

Face Control When Using a Driver

Start by adjusting your driver setup. When teeing up, begin with the standard driver setup. However, move the lead hip so it sits over the lead foot and tilt the torso so it is facing away from the target. Adjust the left arm and shoulder so they sit higher than the right arm.

The torso needs to be tilted just right. Assume the standard golf position and hold the driver against the body. Position the club handle so it travels up the center of the chest. Now tilt the driver until the club head encounters the lead leg.

This determines the amount of tilt required to avoid slicing the ball. Practice this position until it becomes second nature.

How to Fix a Slice When Using a Driver

To correct face orientation when using a driver, work on the takeaway. This is where most players lose their square clubface. The start of the backswing serves as the takeaway and is the part of the swing motion in which the club head separates from the ball.

The takeaway continues until the club shaft and ground run parallel to each other.

This great drill focuses on the takeaway.

Takeaway Drill

Begin by looking at your left hand golf glove logo. When doing so, pay attention to the club handle’s journey. The goal is to swing the handle so that it moves from the lead thigh to the trail high.

When it finishes this motion, the club shaft and ground need to be parallel. The logo on the left hand glove needs to be pointing downward before the handle reaches the trail high.

Practice this drill until the logo remains in the correct position. The drill functions to ensure the body remains connected throughout the takeaway, so the delivery of the clubface remains square.

Club takeaway

As mentioned, the takeaway serves as a problem for many. They slice the ball when completing this action because their torso rotates back. As it does so, the clubhead moves away from the body and the club hits the ball with an open face.

TV drill

Another practice drill designed to prevent slicing calls for the use of a driver or 7-iron, and most in the golf industry refer to this as the TV drill. Set up the shot and place an object to the right of the target path. Take the shot, finishing it off when the club’s butt endpoints to that object.

Many find this drill helps them release the club at a point when they will deliver a square club face. As you practice this drill, you work your swing path out. With enough repetitions, you find they no longer guide the driver to the left.

Fix a Slice With Long Irons

Many amateur golfers slice the ball when they are using long irons. They find these clubs harder to control. Regardless of what they do to adjust their swing, the problem continues. It’s enough to make some men and women consider giving up the sport for good. There’s no need to go to that extreme.

Hybrid option

One option to correct the swing involves switching from a long iron to a hybrid. Countless players find they benefit from this club technology and their golf game improves drastically when they make this change.

However, some people choose to keep their long irons. If you fall into this category, try the following steps to avoid slicing the ball when using these clubs.

Fairway wood swing

The key to hitting good long irons shots is to swing, in the same manner, you would a fairway wood. You want the clubhead to sweep the ground smoothly and not leave a divot.

If you take a steep swing, you risk contact with the ground before the ball. This takes a lot of driving range practice time before you get out on the golf course.

Choking down

A golfer’s hands sit further from the clubface when they use a long iron. To better control the clubface, choke down on the long irons.

At the same time, position the golf ball so it sits slightly further back in the stance.

Most people find these two steps provide them with better control of the ball and their golf slice disappears.

Practice your Golf Swing

Man taking a practice golf swing and holding the follow through.

One of the best ways to build better swing habits is to take practice swings before you address your ball. It is common to see players who hit the dreaded slice fail to take practice swings.

Making a Good Practice Swing

To take a good practice swing, take a step back from where you would normally address your shot. Stand as you would if you were going to hit your shot.

Relax, visualize what you want to do, and take a good swing. If you are going to hit an iron shot, your club face should make the same contact with the ground that it normally would.

If you are going to hit a drive, then you would not make contact with the ground. It helps to put an empty tee into the ground the same height you normally would. Swing as if you were going to hit a drive.

In either case, you need to swing so you have the feel of your club path and swing shape while feeling your proper balanced stance under you.


If you regularly slice the ball, don’t become discouraged. Use the tips outlined above to stop slicing. It boils down to clubface awareness, properly setting up driver shots, and running the TV drill before starting a round.

Always take practice swings before you hit and visualize your swing path through the golf ball.

Men and women who complete these steps find they hit more straight golf shots, gain greater confidence in their game, and find their slice has become a thing of the past.

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